Broken Bones
Any bone in the body can become broken or fractured and this can have a serious impact on a person’s life. While most fractures will recover over a period of weeks or months, more serious breaks can have a knock on effect throughout your life. The bone may become painful or suffer additional problems during healing and a broken bone may even cause additional injuries to surrounding areas. Any bone in the body may suffer a fracture but fingers, legs, and arms are among the most commonly broken.
Claiming Compensation For Broken Bones
Depending on how the bone became broken, it may be possible to claim compensation if you were not at fault for the injury. Road traffic accidents, assaults, and slips and trips are some of the more common types of accident that lead to these injuries and, if you have suffered from a broken bone as a result of any of these types of incident then you can contact Kingsway Solicitors to progress with a legal claim for compensation.
Slips And Trips
Even a simple slip or trip may lead to fractured bones. Although this is unusual it is possible and the likelihood is increased if other objects or any kind of distance is involved in the trip. If you suffer from such an accident then there is a good chance that you will be able to claim compensation so that you can get back to work and back to full fitness sooner.
Road Accidents
Road accidents are a common form of accident that can lead to broken bones. If you are involved in a car accident then you should seek medical advice straight away. Some injuries may not result until a few days after the accident and it is important, for the sake of your compensation claim, that you have the medical evidence to back up your claim.
Your Compensation Package
The size of your compensation claim will usually be determined by the extent of your injury as well as other factors, such as the amount of earnings that you lose. A broken finger, for example, will usually carry less compensation than a leg that is broken in multiple places. Depending on the type of work that you do, this may differ, but the actual compensation that is awarded for the injury will usually be greater for those injuries that are considered more serious.
Providing Proof
In order to be successful in a compensation claim it is necessary to be able to prove liability, prove injury, and prove loss from the injury. Being able to prove all of this and to a decent extent means that you will usually receive the full amount of compensation that you are entitled to, and this is where a professional personal injury service like Kingsway Solicitors can assist you.
Kingsway Solicitors Broken Bones Claims
Kingsway Solicitors is an experienced personal injury specialist and we can deal with your broken bone compensation claims on your behalf. We will gather the required evidence, give you an indication of what to expect based on past cases, and fight your case in the courts to ensure that you get the appropriate level of compensation for your injuries.
Contact Kingsway Solicitors today on 0161 507 2688 and let us start helping you to make your claim.
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0161 507 2688
Types of Injuries
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- Mon - Fri | 9am - 5:30pm